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Livestock farming is criticized for negatively impacting the environment, concerns about animal welfare and the impact of excessive meat consumption on human health. However, livestock farming provides other underappreciated and poorly communicated benefits to society in terms of employment, product quality, cultural landscapes and carbon storage by grasslands. Few attempts have been made so far to simultaneously consider the services and impacts provided by livestock production. Here, we propose an integrated graphical tool, called the ‘barn’ to explicitly summarize the synergies and trade-offs between services and impacts provided by livestock farming. It illustrates livestock farming interacting with its physical, economic and social environment along five interfaces: (i) Markets, (ii) Work and employment, (iii) Inputs, (iv) Environment and climate, (v) Social and cultural factors. This graphical tool was then applied by comparing two contrasting livestock production areas (high livestock density v. grassland-based), and the dominant v. a niche system within a crop-livestock area. We showed the barn could be used for cross-comparisons of services and impacts across livestock production areas, and for multi-level analysis of services and impacts of livestock farming within a given area. The barn graphically summarizes the ecological and socio-economic aspects of livestock farming by explicitly representing multiple services and impacts of different systems in a simple yet informative way. Information for the five interfaces relies on available quantitative assessments from the literature or data sets, and on expert-knowledge for more qualitative factors, such as social and cultural ones. The ‘barn’ can also inform local stakeholders or policy-makers about potential opportunities and threats to the future of livestock farming in specific production areas. It has already been used as a pedagogical tool for teaching the diversity of services and impacts of livestock systems across Europe and is currently developed as a serious game for encouraging knowledge exchange and sharing different viewpoints between stakeholders.  相似文献   
Livestock is a major driver in most rural landscapes and economics, but it also polarises debate over its environmental impacts, animal welfare and human health. Conversely, the various services that livestock farming systems provide to society are often overlooked and have rarely been quantified. The aim of analysing bundles of services is to chart the coexistence and interactions between the various services and impacts provided by livestock farming, and to identify sets of ecosystem services (ES) that appear together repeatedly across sites and through time. We review three types of approaches that analyse associations among impacts and services from local to global scales: (i) detecting ES associations at system or landscape scale, (ii) identifying and mapping bundles of ES and impacts and (iii) exploring potential drivers using prospective scenarios. At a local scale, farming practices interact with landscape heterogeneity in a multi-scale process to shape grassland biodiversity and ES. Production and various ES provided by grasslands to farmers, such as soil fertility, biological regulations and erosion control, benefit to some extent from the functional diversity of grassland species, and length of pasture phase in the crop rotation. Mapping ES from the landscape up to the EU-wide scale reveals a frequent trade-off between livestock production on one side and regulating and cultural services on the other. Maps allow the identification of target areas with higher ecological value or greater sensitivity to risks. Using two key factors (livestock density and the proportion of permanent grassland within utilised agricultural area), we identified six types of European livestock production areas characterised by contrasted bundles of services and impacts. Livestock management also appeared to be a key driver of bundles of services in prospective scenarios. These scenarios simulate a breakaway from current production, legislation (e.g. the use of food waste to fatten pigs) and consumption trends (e.g. halving animal protein consumption across Europe). Overall, strategies that combine a reduction of inputs, of the use of crops from arable land to feed livestock, of food waste and of meat consumption deliver a more sustainable food future. Livestock as part of this sustainable future requires further enhancement, quantification and communication of the services provided by livestock farming to society, which calls for the following: (i) a better targeting of public support, (ii) more precise quantification of bundles of services and (iii) better information to consumers and assessment of their willingness to pay for these services.  相似文献   
Aims The accurate estimation of aboveground biomass in vegetation is critical for global carbon accounting. Regression models provide an easy estimation of aboveground biomass at large spatial and temporal scales. Yet, only few prediction models are available for aboveground biomass in rangelands, as compared with forests. In addition to the development of prediction models, we tested whether such prediction models vary with plant growth forms and life spans, and with the inclusion of site and/or quadrat-specific factors.  相似文献   
2000-2015年中国陆地生态系统蒸散时空变化及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
准确量化区域蒸散时空格局及其影响因素对理解陆地生态系统碳水循环具有十分重要的意义。近年来中国经历了严重的空气污染及气候波动,亟须探讨蒸散的时空变化及其影响因素。基于PT-JPL(Priestly-Taylor Jet Propulsion Laboratory)模型,集成遥感数据和气象数据模拟了中国陆地生态系统2000-2015年蒸散,并分析其时空变化及影响因素。结果表明:1)参数优化后PT-JPL模型可解释蒸散年际变化的68%,优于原始模型及MODIS蒸散产品;2)中国地区多年平均蒸散为440.16 mm/a,呈东南沿海到西北内陆逐渐递减的空间格局;3)2000-2015年蒸散整体呈轻微下降趋势(slope=6.48 Gt/a,P=0.17),但具有年代际差异,2000-2010年中国地区蒸散呈显著下降趋势(slope=21.05,P < 0.01),占全国蒸散总量45.05%的内蒙古地区、甘新地区、黄土高原地区及青藏地区解释了61.88%的年际变化;2010-2015年呈轻微上升趋势(slope=10.48,P=0.71),各地区均无显著变化趋势;4)辐射主导了蒸散的年代际差异,分别解释了2010年前后蒸散下降及上升趋势的51.45%、85.26%。蒸散呈显著变化趋势的内蒙古地区、黄土高原地区及青藏地区主要受辐射控制,甘新地区主要受降水和温度的影响。  相似文献   
植被恢复模式对石漠化生态系统碳储量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示石漠化生态系统碳储量对植被恢复模式的响应,在广西天等县中度石漠化山地,研究了吊丝竹纯林(Dendrocalamus minorD)、任豆纯林(Zenia insignis Z)、任豆、蚬木(Buerretiodendron hsienmu)和顶果木(Acrocarpus fraxinifolius)混交林(mixed plantation M),以及相应同龄封育林(D_(CK)、Z_(CK)、M_(CK))的碳储量。结果表明:人工林碳储量显著高于相应同龄封育林的碳储量,D、Z、M人工林碳储量分别为67.75、66.56、121.20 t/hm~2,而D_(CK)、Z_(CK)、M_(CK)封育林仅为49.75、52.89、60.86 t/hm~2。碳储量在乔木层、地被物层、土壤层分配排序因生态系统类型而异,如M:乔木层土壤层地被物层;D和Z:土壤层乔木层地被物层;D_(CK)、Z_(CK)和M_(CK):土壤层地被物层乔木层。此外,M、D、Z乔木层年平均碳储量差异显著,而封育林尚未形成乔木层,其植被碳储量则随封育时间的增加而提高,即M_(CK)Z_(CK)D_(CK)。可见,在中度石漠化山地,植被恢复模式显著影响生态系统碳储量及其分配。人工造林相对于封山育林更能快速促进植被恢复、形成乔木林,从而提高生态系统碳储量。  相似文献   
为科学评价植被恢复促进沙漠化逆转对碳氮储量的影响,以流动沙地、半固定沙地、油蒿固定沙地、柠条固定沙地、沙柳固定沙地5个阶段荒漠生态系统为研究对象,采用时空替代法分析植被恢复过程中荒漠生态系统碳氮储量及分配格局。结果表明:不同恢复阶段碳氮储量均表现为:流动沙地(3320.97 kg C/hm~2、346.69 kg N/hm~2)半固定沙地(4371.46 kg C/hm~2、435.95 kg N/hm~2)油蒿固定沙地(6096.50 kg C/hm~2、513.76 kg N/hm~2)柠条固定沙地(9556.80 kg C/hm~2、926.31 kg N/hm~2)沙柳固定沙地(19488.54 kg C/hm~2、982.11 kg N/hm~2)。植被层碳氮储量均呈现随植被恢复逐渐增加的趋势,除流动沙地外,其他阶段碳氮储量均以灌木层为主,占比分别为66.65%—91.41%和52.94%—93.39%,草本和凋落物占比较小。灌木各器官生物量及碳储量分配均为:茎根叶,氮储量分配无明显规律,草本各器官生物量及碳氮储量分配均为地上部分高于地下部分。土壤层是荒漠生态系统碳氮储量的主体,碳储量占比为68.64%—99.62%,氮储量占比为89.26%—99.89%,同样呈现随植被恢复逐渐增加的趋势。碳氮储量随土层加深逐渐降低,具有明显的表层富集特征,且随植被恢复过程富集性显著加强。这说明人工建植促进植被演替实现沙漠化逆转可以显著增强荒漠生态系统的碳氮固存能力。  相似文献   
北方风沙区生态修复的科学原理、工程实践和恢复效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北方风沙区位于欧亚草原的东部,是我国生态环境最为脆弱的地区之一,其在北方生态安全屏障和丝绸之路经济带建设中具有十分重要的战略地位。在国家一系列生态保育工程的支持下,该地区的生态环境得到明显改善。但是,由于受人类活动和全球气候变化的影响,该地区仍然面临着严峻的环境压力。在中国科学院科技服务网络计划(STS计划)等项目支持下,开展了北方风沙区土地沙化成因及退化土地空间分布研究,集成了北方风沙区重点脆弱区生态恢复的理论和技术体系,以内蒙古中部的阴山北麓地区、内蒙古浑善达克沙地和蒙辽交界的科尔沁沙地为重点研究区域,进行了高效人工草地建植、天然草地恢复和管理、沙化草地治理等相关工程技术的示范,开展生态恢复模式的效果跟踪监测和生态效益评估,确定生态恢复技术和模式的技术参数和指标,明确不同集成技术与模式在北方风沙区的适用区域和范围,为技术模式的推广应用提供科学依据。通过上述研究,可以为中央和地方政府制定生态系统管理和退化生态系统恢复政策、建立我国北方生态安全屏障提供决策依据,为生态修复产业提供技术指南,为相关研究提供全面系统的基础数据支撑。  相似文献   
万里洋  吴和成 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6557-6566
通过梳理国内外文献,挖掘脆弱性本质,提出普遍适用于生态系统脆弱性的PIR理论框架,并从人-环境耦合角度构建演化模型探究石化基地生态环境系统脆弱性演化机理。研究发现:生态系统脆弱性来源于压力扰动,体现在暴露性与敏感性的联合效应,而最终取决于弹性应对影响的状态。石化基地是一个多层次闭环系统,在压力影响下,暴露性、敏感性及弹性彼此间的双重导向作用决定着脆弱性的演化进程;内外部人文与环境因素变化是脆弱性的潜在驱动力,而压力源增多、暴露比例扩大、敏感性上升、弹性退化以及缺乏环境治理能力是加剧脆弱性的具体表征。以欠发达地区连云港石化基地为例,模拟其系统脆弱性演化过程,并从压力、暴露性、敏感性、自我恢复能力和人工修复能力方面构建评价指标体系。结论与建议不仅对石化基地所在欠发达地区的可持续发展具有启示意义,还为其生态环境系统脆弱性的进一步评价提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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